The Classic is a simple and highly reliable system selected for installation in hundreds of thousands of blinds across Australia and New Zealand.
Spring Idler for Easy Installation
A spring-loaded idler pin allows for very fast installation or removal of the blind. As the spring idler has a forgiving range of motion, this also provides a degree of flexibility on site for installers to adjust for mismeasurement and production variances.
Adapter System
The Classic chain mechanism can be installed directly into 38mm JAI roller tube. A clever system of adapters allows the Classic chain mechanism to also be installed in 45mm and 55mm JAI tube. The adapters are fitted like a sleeve over the mechanism and idler end making them ready for assembly.
Bracket Options
The Classic is compatible with JAI’s suite of bracket options. For single blinds, the Standard single blind bracket is recommended. Where linking brackets or slim double brackets are required we recommend switching to the R01N (Geared or Direct Drive) mechanism and bracket system.